Towards economic diversification through a knowledge-based Economy characterised by Innovation.

Facilitating the adaptation and development of new technologies contributing to societal and economic progress.

Over the last decade, Qatar has built strength in education and has owned a leading role in scientific research in the region.

Aiming to promote Qatar's role as a global leader in innovation and scientific research and to diversify the country's economy.


QRDI Council




Scientific Research


Strategic Focus

Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) Actors

Ministries & 

Ministries & Governmental Entities

Universities & Research Institutions

Universities & Research Institutions

Industrial R&D Centers

Industrial R&D Centers

Innovative Businesses

Innovative Businesses

Incubator & Accelerators

Incubator & Accelerators

Venture Capital Funds

Venture Capital Funds

RDI Supporting Businesses

RDI Supporting Businesses

National Supporting & Funding Entities

National Supporting & Funding Entities


2030 Vision

Strategic Focus

QRDI 2030 presents a bold and ambitious vision that delivers a holistic change in the RDI ecosystem through seven transformation elements. QRDI 2030 outlines five national priority areas into which future RDI activities will be directed to help address national challenges and make the most of Qatar’s RDI opportunity.

Our National Ambition

Over the past two decades, Qatar has built strength in education and research, developing world-class facilities that form the foundation to the ambitious research, development and innovation (RDI) journey ahead.



Qatar has built strength in education and has owned a leading role in research within the region.

Going forward, research in Qatar aims to expand the frontiers of knowledge by contributing and building upon outputs such as publications with high field-weighted citation impact, intellectual property (IP), patents and proofs of concept.


Scientific Research

Qatar has built strength in education and has owned a leading role in research within the region. Going forward, research in Qatar aims to expand the frontiers of knowledge by contributing and building upon outputs such as publications with high field-weighted citation impact, intellectual property (IP), patents and proofs of concept.


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